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Don't forget to take care of you! The Mother's Self-Care Challenge!

Today I wanted to highlight one of my favorite blogs for mothers called Living Self-Care. Essentially the blog features daily posts from many different mothers sharing easy-to-use tips on how to make self-care a priority in the lives of women. So, what exactly is self-care? I think of self-care as practicing an awareness of your emotional, social, and physical needs – all of the things that you notice when you have them, help you feel better and function better. For example, during the work week, I feel best when I get at least 7 hours of sleep, exercise in the morning, and connect with friends (either in person or online) at least once a week.

I also think of self-care as practicing an awareness of the signs that something in your life is out of balance (for me irritability is a key red flag!), and having some ideas of how to re-calibrate yourself to restore a better balance.

As most of you know, this coming Sunday is Mother’s Day, and in celebration of this week leading up to the day, Living Self-Care is sponsoring a week long Self-Care challenge for moms! If you are interested, you can subscribe to the blog, and they will send you daily emails to keep you on track with your self-care goals (even beyond the challenge), and you can join in the discussion by commenting on the blog or visiting them on Facebook.

Good luck, and Happy Mother’s Day!!

To check out the blog, and join in the challenge click here:

If you are interested in taking a short inventory on your current self-care status, as well as checking-in with yourself on some of the key aspects of self-care, you can access an inventory instrument here:

Finally, the originators of Living Self-Care are Anne Dunnewold and Diane Sanford who wrote a wonderful book called “Life Will Never Be The Same: The Real Mom’s Postpartum Survival Guide”. If you are interested in checking out the book, click here:

Thanks for reading!

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