The Power of Psychotherapy
I am constantly on the look out for ways to explain why psychotherapy is such a powerful tool for healing emotional and psychological...
Does couples therapy really work?
I was meeting with a couple last week who are in the assessment phase of our work together in couples therapy. Towards the end of the...
A Buyer's Guide to Finding a Therapist? Interesting article!
Today’s post is really just a link to an interesting article that a good friend sent along to me about how to choose a therapist. As a...
"That's Love Dying"
I know it’s been out for a bit, but I just saw the film, Blue Valentine. If you haven’t seen it, it’s the kind of film that will really...
What the heck happened to Nina in Black Swan? A Bowen family systems perspectives on Nina's des
Unless you have been out of the country, under a rock, or in a coma for the last month, you cannot escape the hype of the film, Black...
A Therapist's Take on In Treatment
One of my favorite shows is back on the air! In it’s 3rd season on HBO, In Treatment returned a few weeks ago with Gabriel Byrne playing...