Intersectionality, Cultural Attunement & Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy
I've been thinking a great deal recently about the concept of Intersectionality (for those of you unfamiliar this is the concept of...
Modern Issues in the Transitions to Parenthood: Using Mindfulness to Stay Connected with Your Partne
One of my clients recently had a baby, and a few months ago she said something to the effect of, “My husband and I are really trying, but...
Attachment Mix Tape Track #5: "You were always on my mind"
Last week a colleague sent me a link to a blog called “Must Be This Tall to Ride” It’s written by a...
What do you do in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy?
I’m always looking for ways to explain and talk about what happens in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) so I was really excited...
The Attachment Mix Tape Track #3: "How Deep is your Love?" by the Bee Gees
One thing that happened in 2015 is my beloved iPod (the classic) was stolen after someone broke into my car. (Lesson learned – never...
A Shout Out to all Men coming to Couples Therapy! (especially with a female therapist!)
Yesterday I was meeting with my Perinatal Consultation group and our topic for the month was “Postpartum Couples”. We had a really...
"Your task is not to seek for love...."
This past week I volunteered at a conference for psychotherapists learning the model of couples therapy I practice called Emotionally...
"You scowl because you have indigestion and fourteen people feel inadequate."
As a couples therapist, the question of “fault” comes up quite frequently. Couples in distress are typically wondering – which one of us...
Basic Goodness: The Practice that makes all the difference in conflict
In my 10 week group, The Mindful Couple, we just finished week 5 and in this round of the group I’ve introduced the concept and practice...
The Mindful Couple: Learning to Live & Love More Effectively
Hi Everyone! It’s been far too long again since I’ve posted and part of the reason for this is that I’ve been hard at work on some new...